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7416: Compositae Giseke

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Entry: 7416
Page: 250

Synantherea ?

Taxon: Compositae
Authority: Giseke
WFO ID: wfo-4000009076  Loading ...
Notes: Synantherae is the archaeic name for Compositae/Asteraceae
Page fragment
Collection: 7416.[A]: Compositae Giseke
Page: 250
"Boogla" e Sirmore capt W.S. Webb
Location:Sirmore (Sermore)


Name: Sirmore (Sermore)

Standard Name: Sirmore

Modern Name: Sirmour

Country: India (IN)


Collector/Herbarium: Gerard, Govan, Webb.

Collector:Webb, W.S.


Name: Webb, W.S.

Standard Name: Webb, W.S.


William Spencer Webb. Captain in the Tenth Bengal Native Infantry. Surveyor of Kumaon from 1816-1820. Many collections from Sirmore and Srinaghar.

WFO ID: wfo-4000009076  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001127315 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001127315