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6711: Bryonia palmata Wall.

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Entry: 6711
Page: 226

Bryonia palmata

Taxon: Bryonia palmata
Authority: Wall.
WFO ID: wfo-0000573066  Loading ...
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Collection: 6711.[A]: Bryonia palmata Wall.
Page: 226
Hb. Madr
WFO ID: wfo-0000573066  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001124642 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001124642
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Collection: 6711.B: Bryonia palmata Wall.
Page: 226
[Bryonia] laevis Hb. Wight e Nopalry
WFO ID: wfo-0000573066  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001124643 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001124643
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Collection: 6711.C: Bryonia palmata Wall.
Page: 226
[Bryonia] ? Candoria H.Ham. e ripa Jumnae
Location:Jamuna river (Jumna)


Name: Jamuna river (Jumna)

Standard Name: Jamuna river

Country: Bangladesh (BD)


Collector/Herbarium: Herb. Hamilton. This is taken to refer to the Jamuna in Bangladesh (the main channel of the Brahmaputra through Bangladesh), not to be confused with the Yamuna river in India.

WFO ID: wfo-0000573066  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001124645 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001124645
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Collection: 6711.D: Bryonia palmata Wall.
Page: 226
[Bryonia] sinuato-lobata Hb. Wight e Mysore
Location:Mysore (Mysur, Muysore)


Name: Mysore (Mysur, Muysore)

Standard Name: Mysore

Country: India (IN)


Collector/Herbarium: Herb. Wight

WFO ID: wfo-0000573066  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001124644 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001124644
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Collection: 6711.E: Bryonia palmata Wall.
Page: 226
[Bryonia] laevis Hb. Wight e Nopalry
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Collection: 6711.F: Bryonia palmata Wall.
Page: 226
Saluen fl. ripa 1827
Location:Salween river (Saluen, Salueen Mew, Saluin)


Name: Salween river (Saluen, Salueen Mew, Saluin)

Standard Name: Salween river

Modern Name: Thanlwin Myit

Country: Myanmar (MM)


Collector/Herbarium: Herb. Hamilton, Wallich

Collector:Wallich, N. (NW)


Name: Wallich, N. (NW)

Standard Name: Wallich, N.


Nathaniel Wallich (1786-1854)


Year: 1827
WFO ID: wfo-0000573066  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001124646 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001124646