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998: Rhus velutina Wall.

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Entry: 998
Page: 28

Rhus velutina, Wall. Rh. Colinus, cum dubiis varietatibus; Herb. 1824

Taxon: Rhus velutina
Authority: Wall.
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Collection: 998.1: Rhus velutina Wall.
Page: 28
Kamaon RB.
Location:Kumaon (Kamaon, Kumaun, Kamaonensis, Kamounensis)


Name: Kumaon (Kamaon, Kumaun, Kamaonensis, Kamounensis)

Standard Name: Kumaon

Country: India (IN)


Collector/Herbarium: Blinkworth, Colquhoun

Collector:Blinkworth, R. (RB, Rt. B)


Name: Blinkworth, R. (RB, Rt. B)

Standard Name: Blinkworth, R.


Plant collector at Calcutta Botanic Garden until 1839 when he was transferred to Saharanpur BG, where he took charge of the tea plantations at Kumaon. 1826/7 Kumaon and other areas of Uttarakund, Himalchal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir.

1835- Collector of plants for the H.C's Gardens.; 1840--Superintendent of Tea Nurseries, Almora.; 1844--He was Head Gardener, Secundra; 1845--He was a Gardener.at Almorah.


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Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001110554 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001110554
K001110556 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001110556
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Collection: 998.2: Rhus velutina Wall.
Page: 28
Deyra Dhoon 1825
Location:Dehradun (Deyra Dhoon, Deyra Dhun, Dhoon, Dhoan)


Name: Dehradun (Deyra Dhoon, Deyra Dhun, Dhoon, Dhoan)

Standard Name: Deyra Dhun

Modern Name: Dehradun

Country: India (IN)


Collector/Herbarium: Wallich

Collector:Wallich, N. (NW)


Name: Wallich, N. (NW)

Standard Name: Wallich, N.


Nathaniel Wallich (1786-1854)


Year: 1825
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Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001110555 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001110555
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Collection: 998.[3]: Rhus velutina var. laevigata Wall.
Page: 28

[Rhus velutina] β laevigata Wall. - Kamaon RB

Location:Kumaon (Kamaon, Kumaun, Kamaonensis, Kamounensis)


Name: Kumaon (Kamaon, Kumaun, Kamaonensis, Kamounensis)

Standard Name: Kumaon

Country: India (IN)


Collector/Herbarium: Blinkworth, Colquhoun

Collector:Blinkworth, R. (RB, Rt. B)


Name: Blinkworth, R. (RB, Rt. B)

Standard Name: Blinkworth, R.


Plant collector at Calcutta Botanic Garden until 1839 when he was transferred to Saharanpur BG, where he took charge of the tea plantations at Kumaon. 1826/7 Kumaon and other areas of Uttarakund, Himalchal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir.

1835- Collector of plants for the H.C's Gardens.; 1840--Superintendent of Tea Nurseries, Almora.; 1844--He was Head Gardener, Secundra; 1845--He was a Gardener.at Almorah.


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Collection: 998.D: Rhus velutina Wall.
Page: 286

Simore G.Govan

Location:Sirmore (Sermore)


Name: Sirmore (Sermore)

Standard Name: Sirmore

Modern Name: Sirmour

Country: India (IN)


Collector/Herbarium: Gerard, Govan, Webb.

Collector:Govan, G. (Dr. Govan, G. Govan MD)


Name: Govan, G. (Dr. Govan, G. Govan MD)

Standard Name: Govan, G.


George Govan (1787-1865)

Surgeon to the East India Company. Superintendent of Saharanpur Botanical Gardens. Collections from the Himalayas, esp. Sirmore and Kumaon. First plant collector to penetrate Sabathu Hills near Simla in 1817.

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Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001110560 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001110560
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Collection: 998.E: Rhus velutina Wall.
Page: 286
Srinaggur. Kamrup.
Location:Srinagur (Srinuggur, Srinaghur, Srenaghur)


Name: Srinagur (Srinuggur, Srinaghur, Srenaghur)

Standard Name: Srinagar

Country: India (IN)


Collector/Herbarium: Kamrup, Moorcroft, Webb

Collector:Kamrup (K., Kamroop)


Name: Kamrup (K., Kamroop)

Standard Name: Kamrup


Kamrup. Plant collector for N. Wallich. Collected in Srinagar, Sirmore and Buddrinath.

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Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001110561 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001110561