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80: Adiantum reniforme L.

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Entry: 80
Page: 4

Adiantum reniforme, Linn.

Taxon: Adiantum reniforme
Authority: L.
IPNI: 17012650-1
WFO ID: wfo-0001109953  Loading ...
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Collection: 80.[1]: Adiantum reniforme L.
Page: 4
Mauritius, D. Carmichael & C. Telfair.
Location:Mauritius (Isle de France, Insula Franciae, Mauritio, Mauritii)


Name: Mauritius (Isle de France, Insula Franciae, Mauritio, Mauritii)

Standard Name: Mauritius

Modern Name: Mauritius

Country: Mauritius (MU)


Collector/Herbarium: Herb. Wight, Herb. Madras, Carmichael, Telfair, Wallich

Collector:Carmichael, D.


Name: Carmichael, D.

Standard Name: Carmichael, D.


Dugald Carmichael (1772-1827) b. Lismore, Hebrides, 1772. d. Appin, Argylesh. Sept 1827, Mauritius and Bourbon 1810-14, India 1815-17. Took Tristan d'Acunha 1817. Carmichelia Grev, Carmichaelia R.Br.

Carmichael writes that he was known to science as the ‘Father of Marine Botany', and was the intimate friend and correspondent of Sir William Hooker (1785-1865), who called many marine plants after him. One of these plants was Carmichaeliana or New Zealand Broom which is a genus of 24 plant species belonging to Fabaceae or legume family. Further, his nephew, the accomplished Gaelic scholar, the Rev Dr Alexander Clerk of Killmallie (1813-1887), went under the name of Gilleasbaig Bàn [Archibald the Fair]. Although Dugald Carmichael successfully studied classics at the University of Glasgow his real passion lay in science and he went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. He then became a qualified surgeon and gained a commission as an ensign with the 72nd Highlanders which offered him the opportunity to travel to foreign climes. He was able to make pioneering botanical collections as far afield as South Africa, Mauritius, India, New Zealand as well as Tristan de Cunha.


- Telfair, C. (Carol. Telfair, C. Telf.)


Name: Telfair, C. (Carol. Telfair, C. Telf.)

Standard Name: Telfair, C.


Charles Telfair (1778-1833)

Company surgeon. Founded Bot. Gardens, Mauritius and Reúnion. Correspondent of SIr WJ Hooker. Plants at Kew.

WFO ID: wfo-0001109953  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001109200 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001109200
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Collection: 80.2: Adiantum reniforme L.
Page: 61
add 2 Adiant. reniforme Herb. Hamilt. e Mauritio NW.
Location:Mauritius (Isle de France, Insula Franciae, Mauritio, Mauritii)


Name: Mauritius (Isle de France, Insula Franciae, Mauritio, Mauritii)

Standard Name: Mauritius

Modern Name: Mauritius

Country: Mauritius (MU)


Collector/Herbarium: Herb. Wight, Herb. Madras, Carmichael, Telfair, Wallich

Collector:Wallich, N. (NW)


Name: Wallich, N. (NW)

Standard Name: Wallich, N.


Nathaniel Wallich (1786-1854)


WFO ID: wfo-0001109953  Loading ...
Associated Specimen Herbarium Stable URI
K001109201 Royal Botanic Garden Kew (Wallich)http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K001109201